This Agreement is by and between you and PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Limited (“PHC” or “Pizza Hut Cyprus”) and Pizza Hut International, LLC (“Pizza Hut”).

This Site contains many of the valuable trademarks owned and used by Pizza Hut and its affiliates throughout the world to distinguish its quality products and services. "Pizza Hut Trademarks" means all names, marks, brands, logos, designs, trade dress, slogans and other designations Pizza Hut uses in connection with its products and services. You may not remove or alter any Pizza Hut Trademarks, or co-brand your own products or material with Pizza Hut Trademarks without Pizza Hut's prior written consent. You acknowledge Pizza Hut's rights in Pizza Hut Trademarks and agree that any use of Pizza Hut Trademarks by you shall inure to Pizza Hut's sole benefit. You agree not to incorporate any Pizza Hut Trademarks into your marks, company names, internet addresses, domain names, or any other similar designations. The Pizza Hut Trademarks and related proprietary property are protected from copying and simulation under national and international laws and are not to be reproduced or copied without the express written permission of Pizza Hut.

Pizza Hut and PHC (collectively, “We” or “Us”) strive to ensure that the information contained in this Site is accurate and reliable. However, Pizza Hut, PHC, and the World Wide Web (or Web Site Host) are not infallible and errors may sometimes occur. You should take appropriate steps to verify all information on this Site before acting upon it. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Pizza Hut and PHC disclaim any warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this Site, including without limitation the availability of the Site. Pizza Hut and PHC may from time to time revise the information, services and the resources contained in this Site and reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective visitors. In no event shall Pizza Hut or PHC be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information contained herein.

By entering this Site, you acknowledge and agree that the use of this Site is at your own risk and to the extent permissible by applicable law, in no circumstances, including (but not limited to) negligence, shall We be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, losses, costs or expenses nor for any loss of profit that results from the use of, or inability to use this Site or any material on any site linked to this Site (including but not limited to any viruses or any other errors or defects or failures in computer transmissions or network communications) even if We have been advised of the possibility of such damage. In addition, no liability can be accepted by Us in respect of any changes made to the content of this Site by unauthorised third parties. All express or implied warranties or representations are excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.

Any goods displayed or provided on this Site are done so on an "as is" and "if available" basis and Pizza Hut and PHC expressly exclude any warranties, conditions, representations or other terms with respect to this Site or the content or goods displayed on it, whether express or implied, unless expressly stated to the contrary.

Any software is downloaded at your own risk. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the software to be downloaded for your computer it is recommended that you obtain specialist advice before downloading it.

The Site may link to sites not maintained or related to PHC or Pizza Hut. Hypertext links are provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with this Site or with PHC or Pizza Hut. Neither PHC nor Pizza Hut has reviewed any or all of the sites hyperlinked to or from this Site and is not responsible for the content of any other sites. The links are to be accessed at the user's own risk and PHC and Pizza Hut make no representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of these links or the sites hyperlinked to this Site. Further, PHC and Pizza Hut do not implicitly endorse third party sites hyperlinked to this Site. Neither PHC nor Pizza Hut will be responsible for the content of any third-party advertising or sponsorship that may appear on the Site nor for compliance of the same with any laws or regulations.

The Site may also contain references to other company, brand and product names. These company, brand and product names are used herein for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The images of people or places displayed, forms, structures, and graphics displayed or found within the Site are either the property of, or used with permission by PHC and Pizza Hut. PHC and/or Pizza Hut may be, but are not necessarily, sponsored by or affiliated with any of the owners of the other company, brand or product name appearing on the Site, and make no representations about them, their owners, their products or services. Any use by you of these marks, names and logos may constitute an infringement of the holders' rights.

The text, graphics, images, and the Site's 'look and feel') (collectively, the “Pizza Hut Content”) are the exclusive property of Pizza Hut, and the software and HTML code contained in this site (the “PHC Content”) is the exclusive property of PHC, and may not be copied, distributed, or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior express written permission of Pizza Hut and PHC. The Pizza Hut Content, including but not limited to the content, arrangement and layout of the Site, the trademarks, service marks, trade dress, package designs, text, and content, are proprietary and are protected from copying, imitation, communication, or simulation under domestic and international laws and are not to be reproduced, communicated, displayed, distributed, or transmitted without the express written permission of Pizza Hut.

Any unauthorised use of either the Pizza Hut Content or the PHC Content, including but not limited to the materials, structure, sequence, arrangement, or design of the Site, or trademarks, service marks, or trade dress found within the Site, may violate civil or criminal laws, including, but not limited to, copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

By visiting the Site, the User does not acquire or obtain by implication or otherwise, any licence or right to use or make additional copies of any materials or information displayed on the Site.

If you decide to register with this Site, you will be asked to create a password. You must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it to anyone. If you believe someone else knows your password, please contact our Customer Service team on 77777777. Pizza Hut and PHC reserve the right to suspend your registration if you breach these terms and conditions.

If any part of these terms and conditions is, at any time, found to be invalid by a court, tribunal or other forum of competent jurisdiction, or otherwise rendered unenforceable, that decision shall not invalidate or void the remainder of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions shall be deemed amended by modifying or severing such part as necessary to render them valid, legal and enforceable while preserving their intent, or if that is not possible, by substituting another provision that is valid, legal and enforceable that gives equivalent effect to the parties' intent. Any such invalid or unenforceable part or parts shall be severable from these terms and conditions, or the validity of the part(s) in question in any other jurisdiction shall not be affected thereby.

You may not assign, sub-licence or otherwise transfer any of your rights under these terms and conditions.

Once you register to this Site and/or download the corresponding application on your own device (“APP”) you acknowledge that you will participate in any reward program. You can still place an order without registering in which case we will only store your personal data solely for the execution of the particular order and then will delete them.

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Cyprus and you agree that the Cypriot courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute. This Site is for use only by persons who access it from within Cyprus. Goods available from this Site are available only to residents of (or companies incorporated in) Cyprus. We make no representation that any material contained on this Site is appropriate for any other jurisdiction.


These terms and conditions (the "Terms") govern your use of the Pizza Hut Rewards Loyalty Program (“Hut Rewards”) from Pizza Hut Cyprus who operates in Cyprus as PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Ltd and whose registered address is 12 Pindou street, 2409, Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus ("Pizza Hut", "we" or "us").

Please take the time to read and understand these Terms before using Hut Rewards. We also recommend keeping a copy of the Terms for future reference, although please note that they may be updated from time to time as described below. Your use of Hut Rewards will constitute acceptance of these Terms.

Hut Rewards are in relation to Pizza Hut Cyprus outlets only and only for online ordering platforms (web: app: Pizza Hut Cyprus) and are not applicable in relation to Pizza Hut Cyprus restaurants or any other concept beyond those Pizza Hut Delivery & Take Away outlets to whom these terms apply.

Signing up to Hut Rewards

1.To enrol in Hut Rewards you first need to create an account by registering online at or you can download the app from the App store or from Google Play. When registered you will need to provide a valid email address and certain other contact information. Only one Hut Rewards account can be registered per email address.

2.You cannot receive any Hut Rewards until you have a valid online account on any online platform.

How to Earn Hut Rewards Points

3.Points can be earned per customer for every €1.00 spent in any single online transaction with Pizza Hut (but not including delivery charge or any other item as determined by Pizza Hut in its sole discretion or as set out in these Terms or during the order process, a Validated Order). To earn points, you must be logged into your online account.

4.Once you have placed a Validated Order your account will be credited with the relevant points within 24 hours of your order being placed or upon confirmation of payment. For the avoidance of doubt, you will not earn points for “a part” of €1.00. - you will earn points when you spend €1.00 on a Validated Order and will earn further points only to the extent you spend further increments of €1.00 i.e. if you spend €1.20 on a Validated Order you will be credited with €1 points, if you spend €2.00 you will be credited with €2 points etc.

5.To register, participate in Hut Rewards and earn points, you must be aged 18 or over and a resident in Cyprus. Proof of age may be required before we issue or accept the registration of a Hut Rewards and you must act truthfully.

How to Redeem Hut Rewards Points & Check your Balance

6.To redeem your points sign in to your Pizza Hut App or Web account, and order normally. Once you get to the basket, you will be given the option to use your qualifying Hut Rewards at that point. Every point worth €0.01 on redemption.

7.The following exceptions or limitations apply in relation to Hut Rewards redemption:

a. Any payment made partly in cash and partly in redeemed points for one purchase is not accepted! You must have sufficient points to pay for the online purchase in full with the redeemed points

b. All offers are excluded, meaning the you cannot use your accumulated points if your basket contains an offer.

c. Rewards are subject to availability and the current menu offered by the participating Pizza Hut

d. Points or rewards cannot be redeemed for in-store dining or delivery and/or take away orders via call center and/or take away orders directly from the store.

8.Hut Rewards may not be redeemed in case the basket includes any offer and no cash alternative available to the rewards specified above.

9.If you decide to check your balance online, you will be responsible for connection charges, and we will not be liable for any communication failure. We reserve the right to correct or amend the balance in your account if we believe that an invoicing or accounting error has occurred. If you wish to contest such a correction or amendment to your account balance, please contact our Customer service team at - or by email

10.All points earned must be used by the expiry date which is 366 days from the date each given Hut Reward point was awarded. Any points left on your Hut Rewards account after this date will be forfeited.

11.Pizza Hut reserves the right to change/modify the point value(s) for rewards, at any time and for any reason. Further, Pizza Hut reserves the right to automatically issue a coupon or other voucher in an amount equivalent to the value of rewards or points for any redeemable Pizza Hut products; such coupon or voucher may expire 30 days from issuance (or within such other time frame as indicated on or with the coupon or voucher).

12.Hut Rewards cannot be returned once issued; we reserve the right to refund any purchases where Hut Rewards were used with a voucher alternative to be solely used in Pizza Hut stores.

13.Pizza Hut reserves the right to deactivate your account and/or immediately invalidate all or part of your points for any reason, in Pizza Hut’s sole discretion and with proof, including in the event of fraud, a violation of these Terms, or other acts/omissions that Pizza Hut deems unacceptable. These rights are in addition to any other legal or equitable remedy that may be available to Pizza Hut under applicable law.

14.Points are not your property and may be revoked, cancelled, limited, or modified at any time, even though such action may affect your right to use previously accumulated points. Points have no cash value and may not be redeemed for cash, and have no value whatsoever until they reach the applicable amount to enable redemption of a reward. Points are non-transferable and non-divisible, and may not be combined with other accounts.

Limitations of Use of Your Hut Rewards

16.Hut Rewards may not be sold, exchanged, transferred to anyone else or used for any other purpose, except as specified in these Terms.

17.Pizza Hut does not warrant or represent that your Hut Rewards will always be accepted at all online orders.

18. Pizza Hut's reserves the right to refuse to accept Hut Rewards or to limit the use of Hut Rewards which it deems to have been tampered with, duplicated, damaged or which otherwise is suspected to be affected by fraud, misconduct or unauthorised use. Pizza Hut may withdraw or cancel your Hut Rewards or take any other action it may deem appropriate if it suspects fraud, misconduct or unauthorised use of your Hut Rewards. The Hut Rewards shall become invalid once cancelled in such circumstances and you will not be able to redeem any stored rewards on your Hut Rewards.

19.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, points will be forfeited if Pizza Hut ends the Program

Pizza Hut Delivery Maximum Liability and exclusion of Warranties

20.Except in the case of death or personal injury arising from its negligence, or in respect of fraud, and so far as is permitted by law, Pizza Hut Cyprus maximum liability to you in relation to these Terms and your use of the Hut Rewards points shall not exceed the final balance of rewards held on your Hut Rewards account. Pizza Hut Cyprus shall not, in any case, be liable to you for matters which are beyond Pizza Hut Cyprus reasonable control.

21.Pizza Hut will endeavour to provide the services relating to your Hut Rewards using reasonable skill and care. All other warranties, representations, conditions and terms, whether express or implied, written or oral, are hereby expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

22. Notwithstanding the above, nothing in these Terms shall affect your statutory rights.

Amendment of these Terms and Termination

23.Pizza Hut Cyprus reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time or withdraw the Hut Rewards programme on reasonable notice. Any such changes will be posted on

24.Accordingly, you should check this webpage on a regular basis. If you have registered your Hut Rewards, then we will notify you of any change, deletion or addition by email and/or push notification. The amended Terms will apply to your use of the Hut Rewards. Where we intend to withdraw the Hut Rewards programme, we will endeavour to give you 30 days' notice.

Your Privacy

25. Pizza Hut Privacy Policy (which is found at shall govern our use of the personal information collected from you. You should familiarise yourself with this Privacy Policy and check it regularly so that you are always informed of the latest version. We will not pass on your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes prior your consent.

Your Cancellation of your Hut Rewards

26.You have the right to cancel your Hut Rewards at any time but you will lose the right to redeem all unused rewards by either calling our Customer Service team on - or by email

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

27.These terms are governed by the construed in accordance with the Cyprus law and jurisdiction. These Terms (together with the documents referred to in them) represents the entire agreement between you and Pizza Hut's in relation to your use of the Hut Rewards. If any provision of these Terms shall be invalid or unenforceable, then all other provisions of the Terms shall remain valid and enforceable.

How to contact us

28. If you have any general enquiries, a query regarding your Hut Rewards or if you dispute any transaction that has occurred on your Hut Rewards please contact us at - or by email


In these Product terms and conditions (the "Conditions") the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:

Pizza Hut Cyprus, Our and We: means PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Limited;

the Customer, you, your: means you, the customer, who buys the Products from Pizza Hut Cyprus;

the Products: means the products supplied by Pizza Hut Cyprus to the Customer; and

the website: means the website

Order and Acceptance

- These Conditions shall apply to all orders and contracts for the supply of the Products by Pizza Hut Cyprus to the Customer. All orders for the Products shall be deemed to be an offer by the Customer to purchase the Products in accordance with these Conditions. Any variations to these Conditions must be in writing, otherwise they will not be binding on either party.

- The acceptance of orders for the Products shall be at the absolute discretion of Pizza Hut Cyprus. Our acceptance of an order occurs when you receive an on-screen message confirming your order has been placed, at which point, your contract with Pizza Hut Cyprus is made and up until this point, We may decline to provide You with the goods without giving any reason.

- You may not place any orders on Our website if you are under 18 years of age.

Prices and Payment

- Unless otherwise stated in writing, the prices quoted by Pizza Hut Cyprus on the website are inclusive of service charge and VAT.

- The price of the Products will be as quoted on the Site at the time you confirm your order (by clicking the checkout button) subject only to any inadvertent technical mistake for which We shall not be liable. The price for your order shall be deducted from your account at the time your order is placed. We reserve our right to terminate this agreement with you if We are refused authority for payment or reasonably believe that payment will be refused at any stage.

- You can pay by any of the methods listed in our checkout screen. Please make sure that if your order is placed using a credit or debit card, such card is valid at the time when your order is placed.

- When you input your postcode into the website, you are automatically directed to the website referring to Your local Hut. Please note that prices, minimum spend restrictions and maximum cash spend restrictions vary from Hut to Hut. In addition, if you order online, the price charged may be different to the price for the Products had they been ordered in-store or by telephone.

Changes to your Order

If you wish to cancel, amend or comment on your order, please telephone at 77777777. If you amend your order, the price charged will be the price for the amended order. If you paid by Credit card the price difference will need to be paid separately to the Hut or any refund would need to be processed by our Customer Services team who can be contacted here. Please note that as promotions are only available for limited periods, any changes to your order may mean the promotions are no longer available.


- We will aim to provide you with your ordered Products as close as possible to your requested delivery/collection time.

- The Customer agrees to accept delivery of the Products at the agreed time and place of delivery

- We can only fulfil an order for large quantities at the discretion of the Hut from which you are ordering. If you would like to place a large order, we recommend you contact the Hut well in advance.

- If you have chosen for the Products to be delivered, Pizza Hut Cyprus will deliver the order to the main entrance of the delivery address but any deliveries carried into the delivery address will only be made if the driver and you consent to this. If you are not present to take delivery of the goods at the address given in your order and you have already paid online for your order, then We will not refund you the price for your order and will charge you for the full amount of your order.

- Products are subject to availability. If your products are not available, We may offer you a reasonable substitute of equivalent quality and price or We may call you to tell you that your ordered products are not available and to ask you if you would like to order something else. This may affect the price you pay.

Transfer of Property

- Risk in the Products shall pass to the Customer on delivery.

- The Customer acknowledges that all intellectual property rights in the Products do and shall continue to belong to Pizza Hut Cyprus and the Customer agrees that it will not infringe any of Pizza Hut Cyprus intellectual property rights.

Oral Statements

The Customer agrees that, in the event of any conflict, written information about the Products supplied by Pizza Hut Cyprus shall prevail over any oral statements made by Pizza Hut Cyprus or by Pizza Hut Cyprus employees or agents. Pizza Hut shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure that its written information about the Products is accurate.


From time to time, our Products may be subject to special offers. Any special offers shall be subject to these Conditions which will prevail if there is inconsistency between the terms of the special offer and these Conditions. We may change the terms of special offers or withdraw them at our discretion but We will honour any order placed by you before the offer is withdrawn subject always to manifest technical errors.
All deals are valid within the promotional period, are subject to change or withdrawal and are not valid in conjunction with other offers, unless otherwise stated.

Limitation of Liability

- To the fullest extent permitted by law, Pizza Hut Cyprus excludes all liability arising out of its supply of the Products and in particular shall not be responsible for any loss or damage, arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with delay beyond the estimated time or date of delivery; any circumstances over which Pizza Hut Cyprus had no control of the consequences and which Pizza Hut Cyprus could not avoid by the exercise of reasonable care, or any indirect or unforeseeable loss suffered or incurred by the Customer or others.

- In any event, Pizza Hut Cyprus liability to the Customer will not exceed the total price charged for the relevant items.

- Nothing in these conditions shall affect the statutory rights of the customer.


Any contract to which these Conditions apply (and these Conditions) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Cyprus and Pizza Hut Cyprus and the Customer submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Cyprus.

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